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  • Meeth's


Greetings, This is Meeth.

Well, It is the early months of the year (April). We see eleventy cases of nocuous Corona Virus . 2,656,622 people have been affected. 185,166 people are dead.

The most death-dealing virus belongs to the same large family of viruses as “SARS-CoV” It was first spotted in “Wuhan” city of China. The virus is originated in bats, The virus has infected ten of thousands of people in China which it is called as COVID-19. The disease was identified in December 2019. The reality is that it is spreading quickly. This is an unprecedented time and every single person should maintain distancing and everyone must be isolated. Where I’ve been doing this since years.It is the hardest phase. I esteem Honourable Prime Minister words, No Prime Minister has been in this situation. I extol how he is handling the circumstances.

The economy is going down and revenue would be less than the last year, this affects at least 55% economy. Every single country is in the battle to end the pathogen. It has been a disastrous experiment. The virus had been frozen and stored in a lab for years.

Is the Chinese government lying about the world's biggest pandemic? (To create a bio weapon or war)

Roads and lanes are vacant. It's like end of the world where you cannot move anywhere. No one is moving anywhere, It may be a dull time for some peeps and some are entertained with their beloved ones. Over the past month I've been using my time to learn new things and my ability. Well quarantine was allowing me to do some new activities.

How attractive the sunsets are? I'm in love with the sunsets. I kept myself busy with some Netflix web series and some indoor games which made the quarantine fun. Air quality is improving in quarantined countries as one of the most polluted cities in the world is breathing some of the cleanest air, Where dirty air kills seven million people globally. Due to less pollution you can hear birds chirping and that makes pleasant.

Corona Virus pandemic reverts to prodigious "Indian Tradition". Where the whole world is following the भारतीय परंपरा in present, In the ancient times the people of India used to greet namaste or namaskar to express honor, courtesy and gratitude. In the age of pandemics Indian way of greeting people holds the world's attention. Virtually every single nation has started following the namaskar rather than hand shakes and cuddles. And I'm proud to be an Indian. In this western lifestyle, the virus made us to know our tradition back.

Many doctors of India are forefront in United Kingdom to fight with the virus. Around 90,000 women community health workers are as part of India's battle against Corona Virus. I see drones in the sky and tests which are going on, to keep the virus out. World Health Organization (WHO) commends Prime Minister 'Shri Narendra Modi' for initiatives he took to fight against COVID-19. Undesirable flow made farmers to struggle to harvest and sell crops during the lockdown. Doctors agonize as the country struggles with innumerable coronavirus positive cases. The most affected are poor people where they suffer cough and cold routinely and they don't have a shelter to live and food to eat, It is easy for millions of people who are eating and living safe but not the poor. Almighty god, hope everything works out. The Transgenders nourish the needy persons in this phase they proved that humanity exists.

I Thank the Government, Police Force and Doctors (Corona Virus Helpers) for their sacrifices. Stay Home and Stay Safe.

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